Donations help Lake George Lutheran Chapel give back

"Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver."
2 Corinthians 9:7
A Message from Pastor Shoemaker:
These words from the Apostle Paul remind us of the privilege we have in supporting the work God has entrusted to our care at Lake George Lutheran Chapel (LGLC). Giving to the work of the Lord has taken many forms over the years. Now, with online banking and internet giving, members of LGLC can give in new ways. For quite some time Cheri and I have given electronically. It works best for us. Giving this way allows your gifts to be received throughout the year. You can even support LGLC when you reside in warmer climates in the winter. Electronic giving allows you to plan your gifts to LGLC so your gifts can be regularly and faithfully received.
Please give consideration to trying this method of giving. I am sure you will appreciate the convenience and find satisfaction in giving regularly and faithfully as our God blesses us with all good things.
Pastor Shoemaker

In Person
Every Sunday the donation plate is passed during service.
Online giving is quick and easy with PayPal. You can even set up a reoccurring donation.
Drop us a check in the mail:
1540 W 800 N, Fremont, IN 46737